Android apps are the most used with over 48 billion app installation till date. Also, with over 80% of the market being taken over by android apps competition is high in the market and android development firms struggle to be at the top. Users have no dearth of options and thus it becomes a greater challenge as well as a need for developers and development companies to take extra care of the precise needs of the users. Without apps, it is close to impossible to do anything online. Be it booking travel tickets or movie tickets, be is shopping online food or clothes. Or simply to check out a company of our liking. We need an app for just about everything we do online. It is also important to keep in mind that users are fickle and apps should always perform well so that users are not tempted to delete the app. A research conducted by Dimensional Research stated that “80% of app users will only attempt to use a problematic app three times or less and 36% said that an app with slow performance issues made them have a lower opinion of the company”. It is here that the android app development companies in bangalore need to follow some ‘best practices’ to improve the usability of android applications for a better user experience.
For the uninitiated “Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word “usability” also refers to the methods which are used for improving the ‘ease-of-use’ during the design process.” An android application developed by the android application development firms must have five of the most important quality components to make it user-friendly.
a. Users must be able to easily learn the basic of the app
b. Be able to manoeuvre around the app hassle free and quickly perform all tasks.
c. The app’s design must be easy enough for the users to be able to use easily even after a long time of nonusage.
d. If the app does not suffer from serious errors and recovers from the minor errors without hassle it’s a sign of a well-developed app.
e. Lastly, a customer’s satisfaction defines the usability degree of an app.
Usability of an app is much desired whether developed by the best android app development company in India, or whether built in-house.
Remember the current best practices “call for spending about 10% of a design project’s budget on usability.”
So if you are embarking on getting an android app in place by an individual developer or by any of the best android app development companies do carry out the below mentioned important steps to be able to launch an error free and exciting app in the market.
• Test the old design before starting with the new one. It’s advisable to add the best qualities of an old app into the new app.
• Always know your competitor so testing their design is the most important step.
• Paper prototypes must be made to study the new designs in an in-depth manner.
• Refine the design ideas that test best through multiple iterations.
• Lastly, once the final design is made a test in one last time before developing the app.